L.O.C/ L.C.O Bundle set
Do you LCO or LOC? The L.O.C/ L.C.O Method is 3 product step system consisting of Liquid, Cream, and Oil.
Natural hair needs these things things to truly thrive.
Liquid-natural hair needs moisture. So make sure it’s wet and ready to receive the nutrients .
Cream- natural hair needs moisturizers and conditioners
Oil-is a sealant it’s the last product you should use. It locks in everything you put in so your hair can retain moisture
Our LCO/ LOC bundle includes a Liquid, (Detangling Leave in- Conditioner), Cream (Coco Hibiscus Moisturizer) and Oil (Anti itch/ Hair growth oil or Silkening Iron Guard Hair & Body Oil)
Choose between our Anti-itch and Hair growth Oil or Silkening Iron Guard hair and body Oil or choose both oils.
Detangling Leave-in Conditioner 8oz.
Silkening Iron Guard 4 oz.
Anti-itch and hair growth Oil 4 oz.
Coco hibiscus moisturizer 8 oz.
Custard option includes 4 ounce anti-itch in hairgrowth, Oil and 8oz. Detangling leave in conditioner.